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LOSE WEIGHT+ GET ABS IN 3 weeks (beginner medium)

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LOSE WEIGHT+ GET ABS IN 3 weeks (beginner medium)  workout video
LOSE WEIGHT+ GET ABS IN 3 weeks (beginner medium)  workout video
LOSE WEIGHT+ GET ABS IN 3 weeks (beginner medium)  workout video
  • Duration: 30 days
  • Location: At Home
  • Workouts per week: 3 - 4
  • You will need: Yoga mat
  • Focus: Full body
  • Cardio HIIT low impact level: beginner / advanced beginner

This program targets your full body: burn fat, lose weight, get abs. 

Low body weight members (weight is too low compared to your height and age):15 to 35 min workout per day. Max 3 times a week. (check out Q&A below)

Average body weight or overweight members (weight is high compared to your height and age). Stay consistent; 30 to 50 min workout per day. 3 - 5 days per week.

More weight loss eating plan tips to combine with this program:

- Drink enough plain water during the day

- Eat eggs for breakfast, try calorie deficit, eat less heavy digested carbs like meat, bread, pasta....(this eating strategy is used in short term for members with hanging lower belly (a.k.a hormonal belly)

- Try half day intermittent fasting in 7 - 10 days (8 hour sleep + 8 hour fast + 6 hour eating window, eat normal portion). 

*** Average and low body weight members: NO NEED to have calorie deficit/fasting because your body has natural fast metabolism. However, trying low calorie deficit a few times can help reduce heavy bloated belly from foods and environmental stress

- Cut back on refined sugar or any type of artificial sugar

- Keep healthy snacks around like nuts, seeds, fruits

- Don`t diet, eat healthy various sort of natural foods

- Chew slowly, you will get full faster, digest faster

- More proteins and veggies than carbs/whole grains

IMPORTANT: Be recovered for your sessions, consume adequate healthy proteins, get enough sleep regularly and listen to your body.

Begin with 1 video or do all as your strength levels/schedules. Rest 10 to 14 days before you start a new program 

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