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Free Workout Programs

Hourglass body, slim thick, dumbbells (intermediate)

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Duration: 4 weeks

Workout per week : 3 

You will need: yoga mat, dumbbells

Focus: Upper body + abs

Cardio HIIT level: low

The Hourglass Body Program focuses on sculpting your entire body, burning fat, toning up, and building muscle in both your upper and lower body.

This program does not primarily focus on weight loss, so there will be fewer high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions. Instead, we will incorporate low-impact cardio exercises to help burn fat and promote natural muscle growth.

If you are specifically looking for weight loss programs, you may want to explore my other programs designed to help you achieve that goal more effectively.

Always choose natural food options and include healthy fats in your diet, such as fish, avocado, olive oil, peanuts (or peanut butter), various nuts, seed butter, beans, eggs, omega-3 fortified foods like milk, bread, cheese, dairy products, lean meat, and coconut milk/cream. Incorporate these into your meals; you can find recipes on my website or in my YouTube shorts.

IMPORTANT: When you experience significant muscle soreness, it`s crucial to allow your body to rest properly until you are fully recovered. Pushing your muscles to train while in pain can lead to muscle damage, resulting in no progress and an unsatisfactory training experience.

Ensure you prioritize proper recovery between your sessions, maintain a regular sleep schedule, and always listen to your body.

You can start with two videos or follow the program according to your strength level and schedule.

You`ll be training three days a week.

Consider resting for two to three weeks before beginning a new program.

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