3 Active Rest Day, Walk, Stretch, Ride bicyle...
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Duration: 28 daysLocation: At HomeWorkouts per day: 30 - 60 min.You`ll need: Yoga matFocus: full bodyLevel: Beginner - IntermediateCardio: LowThis program is ideal for everyone. Add weights or resistance bands if you want more intense levels
For effective fat loss and weight loss: try half day intermittent fasting, eat healthy meals to nourish your cells and support your workouts. Drink enough plain water during the day to detoxify your body. IMPORTANT: Be recovered for your sessions, consume adequate healthy protein, get enough sleep regularly and listen to your body.
Get decent sleep regularly and listen to your body
Begin with 1 video or do all as your strength levels/schedules. Rest 1 - 2 weeks before you start a new program
How long does it take to see the results? Results depend on your goals. For example if you set your goal is to get round, and firm booty, you can see results in a couple of weeks. If you set your goal is to grow bigger bubble butt, fuller hips, for some people it takes months, others might take years to reach their goals. That’s why it is called a fitness journey, we work to maintain being fit and healthy for life. Should I do all the videos recommended in a day or just pick one? Try your best to complete all the workouts listed for each day. Rest whenever your body needs but challenge yourself to catch up with the level recommended When is the best time to workout? The best time to train your abs is in the morning. For cardio, HIIT, fat loss and booty gain it is better not 2 hours before bed time How much is the rest time between each video? 5 to 10 minutes Can I workout during menstruation? As long as you feel good, go ahead, if the flow is heavy, try yoga and stretching instead or just rest I’m too skinny, which workout to gain weight? For effective weight gains and lose lower belly fat, reduce bloating: divide your meals in small portions, stick with natural healthy proteins and carbs choices, sugary foods are not ideal before workouts, less cardio/HIIT I’m over weight, which workout to lose weight? For effective fat loss and weight loss: try half day intermittent fasting, eat healthy meals to nourish your cells and support your workouts. Drink enough plain water during the day to detoxify your body. Is the breast lift program reduce or make the boobs bigger? The program will help burn the fat around your arms, armpits, bra and boobs area, tone and lift up your breasts, make your boobs looks more round and perkier. It’s too hard for me, what can I do? Take more short breaks, reduce training time and repetitions. Remember to challenge yourself to catch up with the routine recommended It’s easy for me, better options? Youtube programs are composed suitable for all fitness levels. More intense training with equipment and difficulty levels on InShape App My muscles feel sore the next day, should I continue with the schedule? No. Give yourself an extra day off to complete recover before starting new workout. However if for example your booty is sore today, you can switch to upper body or abs then it can be done without any additional rest. Should I wear bra during chest workouts? Yes, wearing a good sport bra, with no pushup will support your muscles during the movements, with and without weight training. It also helps support your chest against gravity during cardio/hiit. However, let your skin breathe while you sleep. Stretching is optional. What is half day intermittent fasting for weight loss and lose belly fat? If your day begins at 7 am, you can workout when you wake up, drink enough water and have your first meal at 13 or 14 pm. The meal should be light carbs, with proteins, or salad. Enjoy your snack with fruits 1 or 2 hours later. Your dinner should be around 4 or 5 hours before bed time (bed time is 23 pm, dinner should be around 18 pm or 19 pm). The dinner should have full nutrition including carbs, proteins, vitamins and mineral. And that meal is your main source of energy for the next day’s workout and activities How not to lose booty gains while you focus on abs? Obviously to get abs we slow down proteins and carbs intake, it affects your gains. My advise is to focus on what priority for your look is. Get abs, lose fat first, then grow booty if you are overweight. If you have low body weight with bloated belly, focus on weight gains first because there are abs exercises in my Booty programs too, it's just not as priority as in weight loss programs. Trying to balance both lower and upper body, split your workout schedules equally. It is best to train weekly workouts, although it depends on personal favorite. How to effectively lose oversized breasts? Your breasts are made from fatty tissues, underneath your breasts are chest musclesTo lose oversized breasts, lose weight (lose fat) + workout to firm up and lift saggy skin Combine cardio/HIIT upper body + breast lift workouts How to effectively grow bigger boobs? Your breasts are made from fatty tissues, underneath your breasts are chest muscles To grow bigger boobs, gain weights (gain healthy body fat) + workouts to build and grow chest muscles Gain weight without working out:you may experience sagging breasts, you may need to build chest muscles to hold your breasts firmly Workout without gaining body fat will lead to bulking chest with muscles (or manly chest)
Hello Inshape sculptors! thank you for being patient to go through hard work till you see changes. Surround yourself with motivation, limit unhealthy food, take your Before photos and don’t forget to like, comment and watch the ads Inshapefam ❤