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No bake Tiramisu cake, less sugar, more proteins

Snacks & Deserts
healthy food recipe

|1 Cup (250g) raw cashew nuts|2/3 Cup (100g) dates|1 Cup coffee (half for the cream, save half for the cake)|1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract|1 Sponge cake|Strawberries for garnish|Mint leaves for garnish|Cacao powder
Soak the cashew in hot water for 5 mins, then drain
The cream: blend the cashew nuts, dates, coffee, vanille extract together, set a side|Cut the sponge cake in 4 square slices
Spead the coffee on top of each slice
Then spread the cream on top of each slice
|On the top of the 4 slice, use the cream cover the whole cake
Dust cocoa powder generously over the top (I use a fine mesh strainer to do this)
Topping with strawberries and mint leaves

Watch how to make this cake on my Youtube